Next.js SaaS Starter
Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.
Additional Information
# Setup environment variables
pnpm db:setup
# Run database migrations and seed
pnpm db:migrate
pnpm db:seed
# Start development server
pnpm dev
Key Features
- Marketing landing page with animated Terminal
- Pricing page with Stripe Checkout integration
- Dashboard with CRUD operations for users/teams
- Role-based access control (RBAC)
- Subscription management via Stripe Customer Portal
- Email/password authentication with JWT
- Global and local middleware protection
- Activity logging system
Default Credentials
Password: admin123
Authentication System
Email/password authentication with JWT tokens stored in cookies
Stripe Integration
Complete payment system with Stripe Checkout and Customer Portal
Dashboard & CRUD
Full-featured dashboard with user/team management and CRUD operations
Role-Based Access Control
Built-in RBAC system with Owner and Member roles
Activity Logging
Comprehensive system for tracking user events and activities
Tech Stack
Built with modern technologies for scalability and performance