Next.js SaaS Starter

Next.js SaaS Starter


Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.

Additional Information


# Setup environment variables
pnpm db:setup

# Run database migrations and seed
pnpm db:migrate
pnpm db:seed

# Start development server
pnpm dev

Key Features

  • Marketing landing page with animated Terminal
  • Pricing page with Stripe Checkout integration
  • Dashboard with CRUD operations for users/teams
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Subscription management via Stripe Customer Portal
  • Email/password authentication with JWT
  • Global and local middleware protection
  • Activity logging system

Default Credentials


Password: admin123


Authentication System

Email/password authentication with JWT tokens stored in cookies

Stripe Integration

Complete payment system with Stripe Checkout and Customer Portal

Dashboard & CRUD

Full-featured dashboard with user/team management and CRUD operations

Role-Based Access Control

Built-in RBAC system with Owner and Member roles

Activity Logging

Comprehensive system for tracking user events and activities

Tech Stack

Built with modern technologies for scalability and performance

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up your development environment.

Next.js SaaS Starter

Tech Stack

Next.js TypeScript Tailwind CSS PostgreSQL Drizzle ORM

